Quite a few years ago I wrote a blog post about the30year old birthday cake tradition we hold in my family. For us, it just wouldn't be a birthday without a chocolate cake covered in smarties!
Last week was my nephew Bailey's sixth birthday, which is crazy because it feels like only yesterday that I rushed back from University to meet him. When he was born I became an auntie for the first time so I feel like I'll never forget his birthday. The best thing about traditions is passing them down the family so this year for his birthday, his little sister Honey and I baked him a chocolate smartie cake!
We started with the Betty Crocker Chocolate Cake set as it's really easy to use and especially good when baking with kids. I've always loved the Betty Crocker Tempting Chocolate Cake because it's spongey, moist and well pretty damn delicious. All you need is some oil, water and eggs and the rest is sorted. There's a layer of icing through the middle and smothered on top - Bailey loves chocolate so I know he'll like this one.
We followed the instructions on the box and it was all really straight forward. Once the cake was baked, cooled and covered in icing we started to decorate. I left most of the decorating to Honey so she started with the smarties and followed with edible blue glitter and gold stars.
Nothing beats baking at home and giving a cake as a gift. It's nice to make someone feel special, especially on their birthday. So next time you have some spare time get out that apron and wooden spoon and get baking!
*This post was sponsored by Betty Crocker. Check out their #ICAKEYOU campaign here and try #BakingwithBetty yourself!