WEAR // I finally have a wardrobe! It was so nice to be able to unpack my clothes, hang them up and actually see what I have (I even managed a round two of clearing out!). It was an awkward space to fit a wardrobe so we weren't sure for a while what to do. The space isn't very deep and the celling is slanted so to just buy a wardrobe and slot it in wasn't really an option. My very good friend who owns Manhattan Closets came to the rescue and created a simple, but effective open wardrobe where we managed to fit two drawers, two shelves and two separate poles for hanging space. I'm sure I'll be giving you the grand tour soon! Their expertise in wardrobes came in extremely handy although my dinky little space isn't exactly what they're used to. Manhattan Closets specialise in amazing walk in wardrobes and sliding door wardrobes. Their creations are beautiful and have me dreaming of a Carrie Bradshaw walk in wardrobe. The system works; shelves, hanging space and accessories galore for your scarves, jewellery, shoes, underwear. Ir's all completely customisable depending on how you like to use your space. Definitely worth checking out if you have the budget, the space and you're ready for your dream wardrobe. I'll be back one day when I've convinced Rich to let me take a whole room for my wardrobe!
LIFE // I found the most perfect spot for the illustration that Rich proposed to me with. I've placed it on a wide IKEA picture shelf, just above my chest of drawers in the bedroom and then added these photo booth prints of us. I love how it looks and I get to see it every morning.
EATS // This week I made Chilli. It's not something I eat that often as my mum has always hated minced meat, but I for some reason fancied it and found this Jamie Oliver recipe online. A lot goes into it and like all Jamie recipes, prep is key! It was really delicious though and this recipe made enough chilli to last Rich two weeks worth of packed lunch! Yum.
Have a great weekend!