This week didn't start off so great. It seems that with the end of #EveryDayMay came a stinking cold, you know how sometimes when you're really busy and you just stop, your body can't handle it. I took the day off on Sunday and stayed in all day which is something I never do. It was actually quite nice to watch old soppy films and eat comfort food all day.
Luckily I was well enough to go out with my sister on Monday night and we had such a fun evening. I'm glad I picked up that new dress from Whistles as I think I'll get a lot of wear out of it. I've been getting back into my old routine this week and playing around with my new Amazon purchases. I'll have to get used to the new camera mic (you'll see next week's video is a bit dodgy), but I think I've figured out how to use it properly now.
I'm hoping to take some photos this weekend using my new lens and the photo you see above was taken last weekend and will be included in this Tuesday's blog post. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll see you tomorrow for a new nail post.