My week in photos for the 100th time. Yep, one hundred! I've been rounding up my Instagram photos every week for two years since starting on 8th January 2012! To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of the post since it's nothing that exciting but the comments are always so nice and positive so I've continued doing them every week. It's been two years now so I feel like I should switch it up a bit, but I've been thinking for months about this and have zero ideas. The thing is, Saturday's are very quiet online so I don't want to be putting up posts that have taken days of prep and work, because no matter how good the post is, not many people will see it. So here's where you come in.... help, please! If you have any ideas of what you'd like to see every Saturday on my site, I'd love to hear your ideas. After all, you're the ones reading so your ideas and thoughts mean a lot to me. Please leave your comments on this post or tweet me @lilypebbles Thanks so much for your contribution and hopefully something new will be popping up on your Bloglovin' feed every Saturday!
Sale purchases | Hat & Soldier | Drugstore haul
Passport photo taking | 2013 travelling | NYE dress
NYE moments | Testing, testing | Getting back into blogging
For daily photos follow me on Instagram @lilypebbles