I've been a bit all over the place this week, trying to balance my personal and work life but we all know how that feels eh? Some weeks they run smoothly alongside each other and others the ratio gets a bit mixed up.
Earlier on in the week I visited the new Hersheson's Braid Bar in Topshop, Oxford Street. They're offering a 15 minute braid for £15, so I went for the S-braid and I was so impressed! Even with my stubborn hair and short layers they created a really gorgeous braid that stayed in place all day and evening and looked great. I hardly ever wear my hair up as I'm not very good at styling but I'd definitely go back, especially if I have an event that I want my hair done for.
I also made a small Amazon order picking up a few bits including the Happy Handmade Home by the girls from A Beautiful Mess. It's one of my favourite blogs and has been for years so I've wanted to buy this book since it came out. Everything Elsie and Emma do is perfect, pretty and very inspirational so I'm sure I'm going to love flicking through the pages of their book.
Other than that, the only news I have is that I'm attempting to get into Snapchat again. I gave up last time, but I don't like to feel left out so I'm going to give it another go! My username is lilypebbles so if you are on snapchat, add me! And let me know how it works because I still have no idea...
I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll see you back here tomorrow for a new video!