I take back everything I said about the Instagram Explore page! When they first got rid of the Popular page and replaced it with Explore we were all a bit confused and annoyed, but I've recently changed my mind.
I spend a lot of my time on the Explore page, finding new accounts and liking new photos. Apart from the occasional photo of a friend of a friend that I'd rather not see, most of the photos are right up my street! Instagram have made it so that they cater to the sort of photos they know you like. When I first joined Instagram I used it as a way to follow friends or bloggers/youtubers I knew, but I've been on a serious follow spree recently following so many new accounts. It's kind of irrelevant what they do or how many followers they have, I am simply looking for one thing.... good photos.
I have quite a specific style that I go for as you can see above. I love monochrome, well thought out, aesthetically pleasing photos. I love food snaps and I especially adore interiors (though it does make me want to redecorate daily!).
So if you like any of the snaps above, I'd really recommend following the accounts below. Who are some of your favourites?